Friday, April 29, 2011

Module 4: Tools

When thinking about content, communication, and collaboration, there are several tools that are very useful for both inside and outside of the classroom.  Effective tools for content include:  a syllabus, course description, discussion boards/class café with updates, rubrics with expectations, and document sharing /technology resources that would be beneficial to the learner, as well as, an idea of what to expect in a class.  Tools that are effective for communication include programs such as Skype, email, mobile phones, discussion boards, and instant messaging/chat.  These tools are great for allowing students/teachers access to peers/colleagues for communication purposes that go beyond the traditional classroom/school setting.  In order to collaborate effectively and efficiently, teachers and students  are now using tools such as wikis, blogs, and social bookmarking sites to share information and resources that they find useful, as well as, a platform to share information, bounce ideas off of each other, and discuss things that are happening inside and outside of the classroom.  Such tools are being integrated slowly into classrooms around the globe and are allowing students and teachers to have access to more resources and experiences, which are providing opportunities for profound learning. 


  1. Hello,
    What bookamarking sites do you feel would have been more relevent in this course??? thanks!

  2. What bookmarking sites do you feel would have been more useful in this course?

  3. Hi Elizabeth!

    I think the more progressive schools are embracing social networking, while those which are led by "traditional" administrators are slow to adopt. My school for example bans cell phone use, blocks Facebook, wikis, etc. I think this is because they are unsure of what the kids will do when let free. Sure, kids will be kids and use the sites to post about their weekends, but is this such a bad thing?

    I feel that the more we villify something, like Facebook, the more students try to get there as they feel they're pulling a fast one over us. If we unlock the content, after a while the newness wears off and kids might actually see educational benefits for these types of sites.


  4. Elizabeth,

    With so many technological ways to collaborate and communicate with each other, do you feel that people will be less efficient at face to face communication?
